Chan, Raymond, Vaishnav, Maulik; Wainwright, Scott; Murray, Paul; Cui, Alex. “Data Driven Opportunities from an Account-Based Fare Payment System.” Transportation Research Record. Transportation Research Board. Volume 2672. Washington DC. []
Chan, Raymond, Durango-Cohen, Pablo L. and Schofer, Joseph L. "Dynamic Learning Process for Selecting Storm Protection Investments." Transportation Research Record. Transportation Research Board. Volume 2599. Washington, DC. []
Chan, Raymond and Schofer, Joseph L. "Measuring Transportation System Resilience: Response of Rail Transit to Weather Disruption." Natural Hazards Review (2015) ASCE. []
Verbas, Ömer; Frei, Charlotte; Mahmassani, Hani S.; Raymond Chan. "Stretching resources: sensitivity of optimal bus frequency allocation to stop-level demand elasticities." Public Transport: Vol 7 Issue 1 (2015) pp 1-20. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. []
Chan, Raymond and Schofer, J.L. "Role of Social Media in Communicating Transit Disruptions." Transportation Research Record. Transportation Research Board, Volume 2415/Transit 2014 Washington, DC. []
Schofer, J.L and Chan, Raymond. "We Can Learn Something from That! Promoting an Experimental Culture in Transportation" ACCESS. The University of California Transportation Center, Berkeley, CA, June, 2014 [].
Schofer, J.L; Chan, Raymond and Durango-Cohen, Pablo. "Managing a Regional Transit System in a Severe Weather Event: Case Study of the New York Region and Hurricane Irene." WEATHER Project. The Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, March, 2012 []