Research Projects
CTA Bus Frequency Reallocation
In an effort to reduce cost and increase efficiency on the bus network, Chicago Transit Authority and researchers at Northwestern University used data on passenger trips to reallocate bus frequencies to better suit demand. I developed a dashboard using open source web technologies to support this work. This helped communicate relevant research information to other researchers and decision makers.
Role of Social Media in Communicating Transit Disruptions
I led a project on NYC public transit's institutional use of and consumer response to social media during Hurricanes Irene and Sandy. I collected and analyzed over six thousand tweets to understand the content of messages sent out. I obtained Twitter follower data to show the consumer response to social media.
Measuring Transportation Resilience
I developed performance metrics that communicate the scope and scale of disruptions on transit properties compared to financial costs. I created a disruption framework, which identifies the different response methods to various disruption, large and small. I collected data from numerous transit agencies to measure their performance during different severe weather patterns.
Selecting Infrastructure Improvement with a Risk Based Strategy
I developed a cost effective, risk based, learning strategy that manages large uncertain risks through a learning and experimental process. This process uses a policy driven acceptable risk for infrastructure planning. I developed a simulation to demonstrate the effectiveness of learning through smaller iterative designs.